Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Reaction Paper Was Marx Wrong - 705 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Karl Marx was an influential character of history, a man of tremendous intelligence as well as a great inspiration to many philosphers and people past and present. Karl Marx was a man of action for the less fortunate class, in that sense his theories are not wrong, to a certain extent they are positve inquisitions. It is those whom have practiced Marx theories that have misinterpreted his works giving Karl Marx a negative demeanor. Specifically Lenin and Stalin are two leaders who have brought shame to the works of Karl Marx and make this philospher seem like a barbarian. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot; Marx is a humanitarian because he†¦show more content†¦Because of his intelligence his writings were interepted and used by society years after his death. His works have inspired revolutions which have made areas of the world and the world in its entirity vastly different. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although his works were intended to inspire individuality, after his death his theories were translated into totally different terms. Marxs abstarct philosphies were mutilated and translated into brutal fact by such leaders as Lenin and Stalin. These utopian leaders or dictators adopted the word of Marx in an evil form. Marx himself did not intend for the theories and teachings that he set up to become the terms of those who were going to abuse them, Marxs communist ideas were far different. Overstreet states,quot; Communism took a wrong turn with the advent of Lenin and Stalin.quot; Lenin took Marxist ideas and made them into ideals of quot;Partyismquot;. By doing this Lenin convinced the proletariat class that all classes lying benaeth should be expelled from any freedoms as well as exploitting this class to do as he pleased, he manipulated Russian society to his liking, the exact opposite of Marxs beliefs. The regime of Stalin And Lenin were based upon the misconstruedShow MoreRelated Culture Schock Essay1171 Words   |  5 Pages Culture in ancient times was defined as â€Å"the sum total of the equipment of the human individual, which enables him to be attuned to his immediate environment on the historical past on the other†. It reflects in effect what humans have added to Nature. It comprises the spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a society and includes, in addition to the arts and letters, the value systems, traditions, modes of life and beliefs of the society. 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